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Personal Power


The Collapse of Personality

| Personal Power | No Comments

What I’m going to tell you might hurt a bit. It may challenge some things that you feel deeply about. Things that have helped you.
Just read until the end and hear me out.


Loving Your Perfect Journey

| Personal Power | No Comments

Your journey will never be over, but it will be perfect.


Our Results Never Lie

| Personal Power | No Comments

You always get what you subconsciously want… not what you SAY you want.

Epic Love Life


The single secret to mind-blowing intimacy that you keep avoiding.

| Epic Love Life | No Comments

True intimacy is you, being fully seen, fully known, fully accepted and fully desired.


StartUp Founders: Are You Making These Relationship Mistakes?

| Epic Love Life | No Comments

Has your startup caused your family, marriage, or relationship to go downhill?


“Free” Money For 6 Years (True Story)

| Epic Love Life | No Comments

A news story is making the rounds today…reminded me of common relationships.

10x Business


3 Key Roles in Business and Why Entrepreneurs Suck At 2 of Them.

| 10x Business | No Comments

When we start our entrepreneurship journey we crawl before we run. One of the biggest things that I see entrepreneurs doing is trying to fill every single role.


3 keys to Marketing most Business Owners miss

| 10x Business | No Comments

Marketing is about starting and maintaining relationships.

Relationships make the world go round. You’ve heard it said that nothing happens until someone makes a sale. In today’s world, nothing happens until you form a relationship.


3 Leverage Points in Life that Entrepreneurs Ignore

| 10x Business | No Comments

Okay Entrepreneurs, let’s talk about the 3 key leverage points. (I saved the best for last).

Lasting Vitality


Revealing The Secret: Turning Self Sabotage Into Self Empowerment

| Lasting Vitality | No Comments

So if Willpower Leads to Self Sabotage, What is The Mystery Behind Self Empowerment?

The more I talk mean to myself the less I’m loving myself. The more I am undermining my self-love and self-respect, the lower frequency choices I make for myself.

The secret behind empowerment is loving yourself on a deeper level.


My IronMan Story, Part V

| Lasting Vitality | No Comments

By the time I got to the full IronMan on…


The Thriving Trifecta: Mind, Body and Heart

| Lasting Vitality | No Comments

If you want to thrive in every aspect of life… Nourish your mind, body and heart abundantly and consistently.


He helps you to see things that you cannot see...the way he thinks, the way he's been trained, and (with) the skillsets that he has, he is able to create breakthrough really fast - super fast..."

Setema GaliLead Coach at Wake-Up Warrior

He made me feel the full force of how little I was showing up...I cannot endorse him heavily enough.

Gulliver GuilesSales Warlord

"I coach the coaches...and, who is my coach? Christopher John Stubbs! I don't know how to put words around what he can do for you."

Marci LockThe Body-Mind Mentor

"My experience with Christopher John Stubbs has been nothing short of fascinating and transformational."

Brandon James DuncanCo-Founder Rare Breed

"Most of the alpha males entrepreneurs...kill it in business to hide from the demons. Christopher taught me to lean into it and that is where I found the majority of my power."

Sean WhalenFounder of Lions Not Sheep

Working with Christopher was, by far, the greatest and most transformational pivot of my life.

Jonathan HestonAuthor of The Unlimited Self, Founder of The Symposium


