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My Ironman Story, Part III

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I’d lost 70 pounds, by the time this was shot.

I encourage people to not make commitments based in the small versions of themselves that they are holding themselves to, today.

Committing to things based on where you are right now is the foundation of staying stuck.

A year from now, the goal is for you to not be who or where you are, at this very moment.  The goal is for you to have grown…to have expanded into a greater version of yourself.

That’s why it’s critical to commit to things that scare the shit out of you.

You want to increase your capacity.

Take Note:  You can only increase your capacity when you put yourself in a place where you get to figure out how to rise to the occasion of your big commitments.

It’s not about whether or not you ever finish an IronMan.  It’s about GROWTH!

In Heaven, we will not be asked if we completed an IronMan.  We will, however, be held accountable for what we did with what we were given in life…and that is the point.

Today, I want to share a breakthrough that I experienced at CrossFit that is based on this, very concept.

I hope that you are able to take away something that will add fuel to your own life.

CrossFit Was Intense, To Say The Least, But I Was Entirely Dedicated To It Because I Wanted To Do An IronMan Competition, One Day!

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This is hard, but combatting my mind was the greater challenge…

In CrossFit, I met every challenge that was presented to me…until one day,

On this, particular day, I was three rounds into a ten-round workout, and the workout was HARD.

My mind told me that the workout was done and that there was nothing left in me to give.

My body was too sore, I was too tired, and I was just…done.

I kept hearing the word, “Quit!”

But my spirit man countered with a hearty, “FUCK THAT!”

It was a completely spiritual moment in which I asked myself the following questions:

  1. How many times have I gotten to round three of a ten-level experience and given up on myself?
  2. How many times have you set goals and had dreams that were achievable that you gave up on because you limited what your body is capable of doing?
  3. Exactly how many of your dreams have you actually accomplished in your life?
  4. How frequently have you found yourself not able to go the distance in your relationships?
  5. How often do you choose to NOT go the distance with diet, nutrition, and exercise?
  6. Am I even having the best sex of my life?  Because, trust me…sex improves infinitely when you’re in great, physical shape.
  7. Is my body my TOOL?

The answers were not 100%  encouraging, but I recognized that I had the opportunity to create a new effect in my future.

And So I Buckled Down And Completed The Workout

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The real power comes in when you commit to something WAY bigger than yourself.

And it was hard.  Really hard.

At that time, it was easily the toughest workout I’d ever done.

It was so challenging that I cried when I completed it.

But I didn’t die from it.

And I didn’t care about the people who were giving me odd looks, either.

In fact, I felt empowered by it, and that workout was one of the many stair steps that ultimately led to me making the choice to do an Ironman competition.

Again, this is not about IronMan.

This is about transforming – by choice – into the very, best version of ourselves that we can become.

Are you making the choice to live your very, best life?

Or are you believing all of the thoughts that you have, every day?

If you choose the former, you are well on your way.

Congratulations.  Keep going!

If you are choosing the latter, keep reading.

This article is tailor-made, just for you.

Here Are  Some Thoughts That I Want To Leave You With, Today…

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Pushing past our limits makes us stronger and increases our capacity!

When was the last time that you remembered your greatness and what you are capable of doing in life?

Maybe I completed an incredibly tough CrossFit workout and eventually worked my way up to competing in an Ironman, but what about you?

Have you been allowing your body to serve you in accomplishing everything you were sent here to accomplish in the world?

Have you allowed yourself to become the greatest vessel and tool that you can become so that you could complete your mission on earth?

Or have you been choosing to stay stuck?

I used to choose being stuck over continual expansion, but I woke up from that, and I can clearly see that I was meant for more.

What about you?

Are you allowing your mind to empower your body and vice versa so that you can live up to your capacity as a spirit?

If you are not, I want to invite you to get to know a huge group of people who are, daily, choosing to level up in their lives.  You can join us, right now, by clicking here to join us in my private Facebook group, called Limitless Legion.

And if you are ready to begin the journey of your life, you can click right here to begin an adventure that will lead to your new life.